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Turbo Charge Available on: C64

Terrorists have broken into a UN ammo stockpile and stolen enough missiles to wipe a small country off the face of the earth!

It’s up to you, as Agents Agaippa and Drusus, to chase after the haul and reclaim it. But you’ll have to be on your guard because it’s difficult enough to navigate through roads at the best of times without having to worry about the mines and choppers that are being put in your way to slow you down!

 Zzap Gold Medal – 96% “Instantly, completely, totally addictive, it all adds up to one awesome driving game.”

Commodore Format – 93% “The superior control method, the speed, the graphics, the gameplay and the sound effects all add up to a gut-wrenching extravaganza.”

Your Commodore – YC-Fun One Award – 97% ” Turbo Charge is THE best C64 driving game ever.”


  • Stunning graphics!
  • Groundbreaking sound!
  • Fast-paced racing action!
  • Alternative routes!

Release date:
4 January 1991
Age Rating:
Not specified
Available on

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    Available on
    C64 / Amiga