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Tusker Available on: C64

One Man’s Dream has become One Man’s Destiny!

The legendary elephant’s graveyard is the greatest undiscovered mystery of The Dark Continent…The harzardous quest for it’s discovery has cost the life of many an intrepid explorer, one of whom was your father.

As his only son, you are curious to uncover the secrets that are so violently guarded from the outside world.

You now feel complied to succeed where your father failed.

As ‘Tusker’ you will experience all the thrills, danger and excitement of Africa as you go in search of your father’s dream.

Zzap Sizzler – 90% “Solid arcade adventuring with a wonderful atmosphere to it all…”

Datormagazin – 90%

You journey through deserts, river caves, undiscovered jungles, swamps, cannibal villages and sinister temples, where you will encounter anything from hostile nomads, angry natives and hungry zombies, to blood thirsty dinosaurs, voracious animal life and extremely unhappy witch doctors!

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Not specified
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  • Antonio wrote on 10 February 2014 at 01:57

    great, atmospheric and understimated game. Awesome music in level1, very indiana jones-esque. This could be made into a movie.

  • John van Gaal wrote on 21 November 2013 at 12:11

    Loved playing this game, also played the last ninja series and Myth…
    Love you guys and thanks for being part of my later childhood

  • giovanni wrote on 6 November 2013 at 02:10

    I loved so much this game… especially the dark and mysterious atmosphere… superb graphics, playability and, over all, soundtrack. I still listen to it even today. Thanks Sys3 for this masterpiece.

  • wrote on

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Available on
C64 / Atari ST / Amstrad CPC / Spectrum
Available on
C64 / Atari ST / Amiga / Amstrad CPC