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Last Ninja 4

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Release date:
1 March 2013
Age Rating:
Not specified

  • Brendan O Dowd wrote on 19 April 2015 at 10:02

    I’m ready to put my money where my mouth is! I would support a kick starter project in a heartbeat. The last ninja series is one of my many fondest childhood memories, still even play it today on cbm64 and Amiga, can’t get away from the great music and sometimes infuriating but amazing gameplay and puzzles, It would be amazing to see a prequel, updated or brand new game, hope you guys at system3 can make dreams come true, all the best!

  • Sven Svensson wrote on 8 December 2014 at 03:08

    When will this game be released?

  • Γ–zgΓΌr wrote on 24 August 2014 at 02:57

    I’ve been a fan of the last ninja games since its release in 1987. This one took forever, been waiting since 1991. Release it Mark! (and a sequel to myth, maybe tusker please) πŸ™‚

  • kai birli wrote on 12 August 2014 at 11:51

    last ninja 4 for pc… that would be great πŸ™‚ in the same old isom. style πŸ™‚

  • Armikunu wrote on 25 April 2014 at 07:35

    So.. And when do we see some concrete plans, screenshots and release date for Last Ninja 4?

  • Terence Cleric wrote on 24 January 2014 at 08:50

    I’m afraid System 3 doesn’t follow the path they have been started long ago. When I was child, the game title “Last Ninja” was synonymous with the Commodore 64 gaming. Today, if you meet someone who had Commodore, can be sure one Last Ninja part was their favourite game. When I find that System 3 is still alive I’ve seen a small ray of hope we will face a game that could charm the old gamers, than I saw the website… racing games… sigh…

  • Zenon wrote on 6 August 2013 at 11:55

    i’m waiting for LN4 for maaaany years now and i even heard that there will be a remake of LN on NDS but… never happened πŸ™ i hope this time something will move on πŸ™‚
    (btw, if you guys will ever make a remake of one of the previous LN games, please use re-arranged oryginal songs as soundtrack, C64 music was the best in every part of that game)

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