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Deathstar Interceptor Available on: C64 / Spectrum

The Fight Continues…

Earth is threatened by an Empire Deathstar, can you penetrate its defences, destroy it before it destroys you?

What the press had to say:

Crash 92%…”Speed, excitement, tough gameplay and good graphics are the all-important elements of a shoot em up. Deathstar Interceptor  has the lot.”

Deathstar Interceptor gives you 12 screens of 3D graphics, super smooth 3D animations and unbelievable sound effects…this is the ultimate challenge!

Release date:
19 February 2013
Shoot Em Up
Age Rating:
Not specified
Available on

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    Available on
    Spectrum / C64 / Atari ST / Amstrad CPC
    Available on
    Spectrum / C64
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